
The Alchemist of Scent

The intriguing scent of rosewood is not to be moulded into just one scent group. Do you want to create a sensuous, mysterious atmosphere? Or rather a calming, balancing and profoundly spiritual mood? Rosewood might be the answer to both of your rituals. When you open the bottle, expecting to smell a typical woody scent, you’ll be in for a surprise. 

Beautiful woman smelling a bottle of essential oil from the Aromen Natural Wellness brand.

Scent development

 The first two provocative scent groups to arise are spicy and citrusy. It is not a simple lemon scent but a profoundly challenging, zesty, and refreshing petitgrain scent. 

The spicy touch slightly resembles the piquant and seductive flirt that is pink pepper. Afterwards, you can catch a calming wave of feminine rose and a deepening cedar-like wood scent. 

The psychological benefit of bringing balance is reflected in the ambiguïty of the scent: it is fresh, soft, uplifting on the one hand and deep, mysterious, and spicy on the other. 

The difficulty of providing a framework for Rosewood doesn’t end there. The alchemist arises when you discover rosewood has its own will. You’ll find that the scent of your cherished bottle will evolve over time. 

Use it in blends and rituals to create a ‘wet and almost mineral’ scent note. Providing softness and a very realistic natural experience in the sauna. 

I’m sure you want to discover this essential oil right away, but wait until you hear about its vast benefits. 

Rosewood knows best

Let rosewood work its magic. Your guests might enter your cabin stressed, emotional or worried. Rosewood will individually stimulate or calm the mood so everyone can achieve a balanced and relaxed state of mind.  

Rosewood has a history in spiritual practice, as wood for malas. It provides a centered connection between body and mind. Use it for rituals to achieve (self-)love and compassion and to improve connection with each other and your higher self.

Rosewood organic essential oil from Aromen. Picture by Helsington Lifestyle Photography.

A Gentle yet Strong Healer

Beautiful woman relaxing during massage with a Himalaya Salt stone backdrop.
  • Purifies the air 
  • General tonic
  • Strong skin regenerating properties for all skin types
  • Balm for the airways
  • Works as a deodorant 
  • Promotes healthy hair growth
  • Lack of energy
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic
  • Harmonizing

Rosewood acts vigorously and quickly but without any irritating or sensitising effects. Always follow the recommended dosage. 


  • Aniba rosaeodora
  • Family: Lauraceae
  • Steam distillation of twigs and leaves
  • Amazone area
  • Adulteration often occurs by using Ho sho, Pine and Coriander essential oil


  • Heart note
  • Medium to high intensity
  • Topical use: 5% - Always dilute in a safe carrier. 
  • 1 - 2 drops in diffuser
  • Safe and non-toxic essential oil.
  • Overdose can cause headaches and nausea. 


  • Citrus (bergamot, lemongrass, petitgrain)
  • Herbal (basil)
  • Spicy (pink pepper, black pepper)
  • Woody (cypress, cedar, pine)
  • Floral (jasmine, lavender, rose geranium)  

Every drop counts

The complex and sophisticated scent of rosewood is a top ingredient in luxury perfumes. Its high linalool content caused a rush of logging in the Brazilian Amazon forest. Soon, rosewood landed on the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) list to prevent rosewood from disappearing altogether in the wild. 

Plantations have successfully been established, allowing rosewood to regrow in the wild. A tree takes up to 40 years to reach a good height. Instead of chopping down the entire tree to distil essential oils, they now only use leaves and trimmings to sustainably meet the enormous demand for this unique scent. 

So count your drops as supply is limited and as a way to show respect to Nature.