Feature 1: Plant Info
The aromen app contains a full database of all-natural products we can use in natural wellness. Each product has a full description of the origin, properties, fragrance, strength, note, harmonization, and many more. We have added a smart filter that allows you to search for that one specific essential oil you need for your session. Each education you do at Loylymasters unlocks more knowledge.
Feature 2: Product Scanner
Each product of Aromen contains a QR code. Simply scan it in the app and it will direct you immediately to the right product page.
Search Engine
Story Telling
Must-Have For Saunamaster
Feature 3: Recipe List For Saunamasters
With the recipe list, you can create your professional sauna experience based on the goal of your aufguss. Add ingredients, descriptions, and change them later as you upgrade your session.
Want to share it with your fellow aufgussmasters? Just click on the ‘public’ button and your session can be seen by everybody that has the app with Level 1 access. We have also added many aufguss sessions for you to get inspired.
Search for a specific airway session? A winter session or just a good relaxation? Just click on the filter and pick the perfect aufguss for you!
Feature 4: Charts For Saunamasters
Each course of Loylymasters comes with a different overview chart to make things easier. Find your unlocked charts in this section.
Feature 5: Wellness Calendar
Searching for a course or a specific Loylymasters supported event? Find them here and become part of our wide natural wellness community.

Free Mode
Everyone can use the app for free. It gives you basic knowledge of how to work with our products.

Pro-Customer Mode
If you are a professional customer, you will find a QR code in your order. Scan it with our scanner, and it will grant access to extra product information, aufguss inspiration, and charts.

Education Mode
When a sauna master or a wellness center has completed one of our courses the app unlocks all product knowledge, charts, coursebooks, and inspiring aufguss sessions from that course.